The T.V. Problem

It was just a regular  day, I was playing a game on the TV when my mom called me to the kitchen for lunch.  I was eating an apple when things went wrong,  my 📺  started screeching and stood up and walked out the door. I saw my parents following it,  I asked them why they were following the TV but all they said was murrr and walked off.

I looked out my window and I saw all the people on my block  following the TV  except for my best friend  Gail.  I called Gail  and said  ‘ come over to my house’.  After 20  minutes  Gail came .  He said  ‘what’s up with all the people outside’?  I told him about the TV problem and he thought  that it was super cool.

We decided to go  outside and follow the TV and all the people. The people were led to a big volcano.  I looked down it and I  accidentally fell in. Gail quickly  jumped into the volcano to save me. It felt like Gail and l where falling for hours and hours. When we got to the bottom of the volcano we landed on some big  cushions. I saw an old wooden door at the bottom of the volcano.  I asked Gail if  he wanted to go through the door and he said ‘yes’.

When we walked through the door we saw a big TV and a bunch more little TV’s  beside the big TV. Then I saw my TV controlling all the other TV’s. Gail whispered  ‘ why are there so many TVs’? When he said that , the TV heard him.  We started to run  away but the TV chased us. We looked behind us to see if the TV was still chasing us but then we  banged into a wall.

 When we woke up we were trapped inside a cage. Gail said  ‘why are we here’?  ‘I don’t know’ I whispered.   Just as I said that, I saw a key on the ground.  I picked it up and unlocked the lock on the cage.  Gail and I snuck to the room with all the TV’s. I saw all the people  in a big cage with four locks  on It.   The TV guarding the cage. Gail said  ‘I’ll  distract the TV while you set everyone  free’.   He started to run  and say ‘over here’  but the TV stayed. Then the TV started to cry.  I went over to the TV to see why it was crying. I asked it ‘what’s wrong ’?  It said  ‘no one will play with me, that’s why I took all these people’. ‘So they can play with you’?  I asked  ‘yep’ said the TV.  Gail said ‘that’s not how you make friends, you make friends by asking if you could play a game with them, or asking if you could sit with them at lunch,  stuff like that is how you make friends, not by  capturing them’.  ‘Are you sure that’s not the way to make friends said the TV’.  ‘Positive’ I said .

Later on, we set free all the people and  found our Parent’s. The TV asked if it could come and live with us again and luckily my parents said… yes!!


2 thoughts on “The T.V. Problem”

  1. Nicely done. A very original approach about the influence of TV in our lives. Clever to see things from the TV’s point of view – I don’t believe I’ve read a story quite like it! It shows that you have a really good imagination and imagination is the most important thing to have if you want to write powerful stories.
    Loved the photograph!

    Love Granddad

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